We had some severe storms pass through late last night. Was pretty scary, especially during the tornado warning, but everyone is ok. The area of town where my apartment is didn't get hit as bad as where the barn is. B fed all the horses on the fenceline this morning, instead of bringing some in. She said they were still a bit weird, and there was a lot of work going on in terms of cleaning up all the trees and branches that were down. It was better to leave them out, and they are luckily all able to be fed on the fence with no drama. Even with all the clean-up going on today, this is what it looked like when I got to the barn this evening.
It's cold out tonight, and Jay has shed quite a bit so far, so he got his sheet on at dinner. He seemed unconcerned about the storms last night. Too scary for me!
I can't believe all of that damage! Our poor little blue barn :( I'm glad everyone is okay though and that Jay didn't blow away! Or you, for that matter. Hopefully we're done with all this scary weather!
Jay-R, a '98 model OTTB, has been my dressage partner for over 7 years now. A move from Long Island to Kentucky for graduate school two and a half years ago put our hard core training on hold. Now is the time for us to get back on track!
I can't believe all of that damage! Our poor little blue barn :( I'm glad everyone is okay though and that Jay didn't blow away! Or you, for that matter. Hopefully we're done with all this scary weather!